Saturday, January 26, 2013


  History of Frederick Plein Air Artists (FPAA)

The genesis for the development of a structured plein air painting cluster was an outgrowth of the desire for artists to paint outdoors on a regular basis, in a safe environment and at inspirational locations. Using a model developed by Peter Plant, a public school art teacher, FPAA had it first outdoor painting session in July 13, 2011 at PennTerra, the farm of Barry and Monika Lucey. Since then they have painted each Wednesday, weather permitting, through November and starting up again the spring. The membership since that time has doubled and continues to grow. Presently 76 artists have signed on. It is the magic of the experience; of capturing the mood of the atmosphere, the dancing of the clouds or the brilliance of the light that brings these artists together.  It is the discussions of style, techniques and approaches that inspires and expands the knowledge of all. There is the camaraderie that emerges as the members joke about the challenges of painting outdoors and become acquainted with each other over a cup of coffee or lunch.  An ultimately there is the shared joy when someone sells their work. FPAA has surpassed its original purpose of forming a cluster, it is now a community of supportive artists who struggle at times, who are always challenged and frequently get it right.